Friday, August 17, 2007

Final thoughts

My final really-last-minute shameless post, by Lisa Chiu. Here are some bullet-pointed final thoughts about boot camp.

* Everyone should join facebook. It's very addictive. We can create a group called "Bootcamp 07' -- way better than Bootcamp 06'."

* I love things like Found magazine ( where people submit notes or found objects that they've discovered on the street or random places. I also love -- a great website that lets users submit the greatest conversations they overhear in New York City. They don't have one for D.C. yet, but I found one that is kinda simliar:

The best thing I overheard once while waiting to use a restroom in a Seattle bar: One guy says to another -- "If you wanted to ask her out, you shouldn't have called her sister a slut."

* Has anyone else noticed how the Tenlytown escalators play music? I'm not certain but I think it's the Gershwin brothers' "Summertime." I wish I had a recorder to record it. I swear it's saying "Suuuummmmmertime and theeee liiiving is eeaaasy...."

* Finally, whatever you do, don't mistake our website for

I think it's an actual bootcamp.

Have a great week off!


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