Saturday, August 4, 2007

Studying Journalism Here and There

I studied Journalism for five years in Spain. That's what it takes to get your B.A.
Five years of Theories of Communication, History, Literature... Did I practise Journalism? No. Did anyone teach me how to write a lede? No.
The way public Colleges work in Spain makes it really difficult to sit all your students in front of a computer. I had more than 100 classmates. Every day. For 5 years.
We had to learn the Practices of Jouralism when we started working. That was the goal of having some experience: working would teach you what you weren't taugth in School. And there was something else no one told us: the media have changed.
In my fourth year I was told I should chose one track and "specialize". Apparently, the market still required journalists that only knew how to work for broadcast or print Journalism, but not for both. On-line Journalism wasn't even mentioned.
Spanish media also require Journalists that can cover news for any outlet. It's just that no one is going to tell you until you actually start working.
And, when Prof. Olmsted mentioned that we have to be ready and prepared to work in any media outlet, I wanted to go back to my School and tell my teachers: "Hey, we are working behind the time."

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